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FYN - Exploring Interactive Materiality


This pictorial describes the design process of FYN, created during the course Interactive Materiality. It is intriguing to observe FYN move on its own, the friction between the rubbery strings with shiny finish, forces the fringes to move organically. Once mutual trust is established your hand is guided along the surface through increasingly enthusiastic circular movements underneath. FYN accumulates continuously in different spots, drawing the user’s attention inwards.
FYN is a proposal answering to the material turn in interaction design. Guided by explorative material engagement and mapping, material properties are discovered. These properties provide the backbone for the journey to translate them into an interactive material. The properties combined with aesthetic theory guide the iterative synthesis from which the interactive material is distilled. Finally, by detailing and fine-tuning this human-machine interaction an engaging interactive material is presented.

Date: Sep 2023 - november 2023

Elective: Interactive materiality

Collaborators: Milou Jansen and Olivier Blom

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