What could the future of citizen participation look like? For the Municipality of Eindhoven, we built an installation for gathering input from citizens for future urban development projects, situated at the location of the plans.
We investigated how design can give substance to affording citizen participation as the exploration of needs and wishes with citizens. In this project, we joined the process of redesigning the Town Hall Square of Eindhoven by the local municipality. Their wish was to gather needs and wishes from ‘unusual suspects’ with regards to the future of the square.
We designed and tested an interactive, situated installation with which citizens could explore their view of the future square through bodily movements. These movements were translated into 3D shapes using a Microsoft Kinect and displayed in real-time on a one-way mirror. In a later IASDR publication, we highlighted three design qualities of the installation that facilitated exploration: continuous reshaping, unfamiliarity and ambiguity, and situatedness.
This project was graded with an Excellent, with compliments from the project client (Eindhoven Municipality)
Date: Sep 2020 - Jan 2021
Client: Gemeente Eindhoven
Collaborators: Iris Bekkers, Tjeu van Bussel and Charlotte Sluijs
Academic publication
Denk een Eindje Mee
Think outside the box: a case study for citizen participation as exploration
December 2021
Publisher: IASDR 2021
Author(s): Iris Bekkers, Tjeu van Bussel, Charlotte Sluijs, Remke Timmermans, Sander van der Zwan, Roy van den Heuvel, Caroline Hummels
News article
Denk een Eindje Mee
Burgerparticipatie 2.0: spiegel de gemeente je mening voor
December 2020
Publisher: Cursor TU/e
Author(s): Bridget Spoor
News article
Denk een Eindje Mee
Studenten TU Eindhoven testen spiegelkast als inspraakbox op Stadhuisplein
December 2020
Publisher: Brabants Dagblad
Author(s): Michel Theeuwen