Circo Resilience
The aim of my final bachelor project was to understand the challenges bottom up initiatives face and through a design process, develop tools to strengthen social resilience. In an iterative design process, a creative and active workshop was developed.
Participants of the workshop practice with essential ingredients for a strong and sustainable bottom-up initiative through circus arts. The final outcome “Circo Resilience” is a circus workshop that aims to strengthen social resilience. The essential ingredients are derived from empirical research about the challenges of bottom-up initiatives. In the workshop Circo Resilience, bottom-up initiatives are supported in their collaboration process and facilitated to make sense of the situation together. The research and design process is based on the theory of participatory sense-making and inspired by aspects of intuitive inquiry approach. The workshop Circo Resilience is a promise of boosting social resilience through circus arts. The workshop raises positive expectations about the prospect of strengthening social resilience of bottom-up initiatives.
Course: Final Bachelor Project
Date: Sep 2019 - Jan 2020
Coaches: Cindy van den Bremen, Kristina Andersen
Collaboration: ZET, Stérk.Brabant and various bottom-up initiatives.